Equipment And Fitout

Keep Up With Technology – Renew And Upgrade Your Equipment And Practice Regularly

Modern equipment with up to date technology will best ensure the ongoing success of your business. Sure there is a capital cost in doing so but that is generally offset by increased revenue and therefore more profit, better staff morale and patient acceptance.  A modern equipped practice will always do better than one that runs on old technology and equipment.  Old equipment can be costly to service and equipment down time can affect your cashflow.  

Finance is not simply a matter of taking an order for funding but more so one that requires consideration towards cash flow and taxation benefits.  There is more to VFA than just us arranging finance.   We are experts in debt restructuring, which is particularly useful where you may need to free up equity against real estate for another purpose, or even where you have a specific tax planning requirement.

  • Are you considering purchasing new equipment and require finance for DR/CR X Ray system, ultrasound, x ray generator, computers, software, cages, a partial or complete re-furbishment?
  • And you would like your finance to be tax effective and or fit in with your cash flow needs?
  • Yet you run out of time and would like someone to check the market and do all the hard work for you?

Then you should get in contact Vet Finance on 0414 187 728